Open Door's To New Commercial Accounts
What's the Main Challenge in Selling Your Services Right Now?
Targeted Leads
Most markets have 10's of thousands if not 100k businesses. How to target an affordable number of businesses, repeatedly.
Contact Decision Makers
Next Step is contacting the person who handles the cleaning contract for that company, building.
Close Sales
After scheduling an estimate, how to submit a proposal and close.
Email Marketing is One of the Most Effective Ways To Contact Local Businesses
Email providers are much stricter nowadays, gone are the days when you can just buy a list online and blast thousands of businesses.
Not only will you ruin your email but also your reputation among the local business community. My typical SOP for email marketing campaigns is 25 steps long of hyper-technical details. There is no super duper secret, its hard work that most cleaning services don't have the time for.
What Messages Work Best?
The big thing I have learned over the last 25 years is people are motivated by different things. Simple solution is rotating messages and weight them based on performance.
This strategy brings in the absolute most prospects. This mix will change depending on your specific services, industry targets and especially size of the businesses.
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